Friday, May 21, 2010

Aidan vs Aedan

Watching "The Gilmore Girls" always makes me crave for a burger -- it must be the healthy appetite of the Girls at Luke's.

So Relish we went to satiate my craving.

Wei started talking to a couple next to us with a pram as well. The mother came over to have a peek at Aidan who was (finally) feeling sleepy -- I guess the dim lighting in the diner worked.

So we chatted:
They have a 3-month old son;
She lives with her MIL who sounderd uncanningly similar to my MIL;
Both babies' fathers belong to the same alma mater;
(Get this) Their son's name is Aedan.

My jaw literally dropped when I heard that last bit.

We were so spooked that we arranged for brunch this Sunday.


Baby Aedan

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