Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Organic Almond Oil

A certain exchange today went as such:

GM: Jie, could I trouble you to get for me organic almond oil from Naturalist @ Esplanade?

Jie: Can…for your stretch marks?

GM:Pregnant women woes….for my perineum, the skin from my vagina to my backhole. The oil is said to soften the skin for baby delivery. Are you sorry you asked? Hahaha……

Jie: Ya, didn’t quite expect that. Sorry I asked…mental pix not that nice. Haha

GM: The mental picture will be lagi better if I don’t rub the oil and I ‘kena’ a tear from front to back. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jie: Ewww. THANK YOU! Enough already. OK, that’s it…need to call it a day

GM: Bet you’re rushing to get me that oil now.


  1. hahahah!! I never got round to doing this...

  2. Haha, the question now is what to do with 125ml of pure organic olive oil (has the same function as almond oil)? Fret can use it on your hair, stretch marks, general moisturiser.

    So how's the oiling> Muhahaha...Jie

  3. Jie: Cannot do oiling without first finding the spare container for you. Maybe I rub it also on Wei's head and chest....look out for a horse's mane in 3 weeks.


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